This piece was created in response to a commission by Benethon Foundation and Imago Mundi to create a small-scale piece that encapsulates the concept of Krisis.

I approach the concept of Krisis as the destruction of the tool and therefore of the possibility. To support this idea I use the words of Donna Haraway where she explains the idea of the Double Death created by Deborah Birth Rose: “The double death is not about living and dying, is not about dying or even killing, it’s about the killing of ongoingness. The killing of the conditions of going on, the killing of the heart, the killing of the land, the obliteration of species, the obliteration of ways of living and dying together. […] I think that what all of us face now is learning how to undo the threads of double death and to re-constitute, to rehabilitate, to make life again through partial healing. The ways of living and dying deserve a present and deserve a future.”